Listen and relax with blue meditation.

Welcome to the REGENESIS multisensory Ritual.
Discover the line through the five senses and let yourself be guided through them, for a totalizing experience of well-being, harmony and rebalancing. Take your time: the key to beauty lies within you, right there, at the root of your emotions.
+ Hearing
+ Smell
Depending on whether your path is Sensitive (if you do not present an aggravation of inflammation) or Regenesis (medical device to be used in peaks of inflammation), you can help yourself with aormatherapy: essential oils are the soul of plants and convey specific information. If your problem vents on the upper part of the face (forehead, temples, under the eyes), use Indian Basil or Ylang-ylang. If, on the other hand, your problem is more in the central area (cheeks, nose), your essential oils are Roman Chamomile and Sandalwood. If instead the irritation is concentrated on the chin, mouth, neck, choose Vetiver, Patchouli or Sugandha Kokila.
Apply a few drops of essential oil to your hands and warm them up by rubbing them together quickly, then bring them closer to your face without touching it. Do this by closing your eyes, exhaling and inhaling slowly five times.
These essential oils will also help you during the day: they are also perfect in diffusion.
+ View

When he speaks, the body doesn't lie. Its language is ancient, has existed forever, and is destined never to die. In psychodermatology, it is well known the role that stress and other psychological problems play in diseases such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, itching, hives and other skin problems: the negative emotions generated by dermatological problems only exacerbate skin problems, creating a vicious circle.
Move the slider and discover the emotion behind your issue.
If inflammation is located in this area of the face (forehead, temples, under the eyes) it indicates EXAMINATION and JUDGMENT. The forehead is a place of reflection, concern and doubt. In particular, the eyes are the territory of the gaze, of observation, where the approach to life is experienced under the lens of analysis and judgment.
Somatizing in this area indicates that you make reasoning or brooding your approach to the world.
If the inflammation is in this area of the face (cheeks, area up to below the nose) it indicates a part that expresses our emotional capacity such as LOVE, DESPERATION, RAGE. The nose is also involved, therefore the sense of smell, on which depends our ability to "smell the air that pulls" and orient ourselves. It is our FLOW, the sensations, the emotions linked to it that we feel.
Somatizing in this area indicates that there is too much control: you can not transform the emotions. In psychosomatics this area is associated with the organs of transformation (stomach, liver, etc.).
If the inflammation is located in this area of the face (chin, mouth, neck to the dΓ©colletΓ©), the connected part is an intimate and deep dimension. This area is linked to archaic impulses: HUNGER, AGGRESSIVITY, PLEASURE. It is therefore also linked to SEXUALITY and HORMONES. Somatizing in this area indicates that there is a problem in some way related to your ability to enjoy life and pleasures. Hormonal imbalances are also associated with the second Chakra, and suggest an inability to live with changes in a positive way, to enjoy life, to live with pleasures rather than always with duties.
+ Touch
Through simple manual techniques we will help you to stimulate that part of the foot associated with feelings and emotions that vent on your face, not surprisingly in specific areas. It is the tenso-plantar reflexology, of which we now give you directions.
Get comfortable: start with a nice foot bath to ease the tensions of the day.
Now sit on the bed or couch and grab your feet with your hands: you can exercise the manual skills on both your feet, at the same time.
Imagine the sole of your foot as if it were a face and mentally divide it into three parts: the upper part of the foot will then be associated with the forehead, the middle part with the cheeks, the lower part with the mouth, chin and throat. Depending on whether your problem is venting onto your face in one of these three areas, focus on that one and perform the digito-pressure. Use your thumb to simulate the movement of a stamp, pressing now gently now more firmly, and be sure to apply pressure from one side of the treated area to the other. Do this several times.
+ Taste
Inflammation can also be addressed with the help of Nature. Tisama Lakshmi Brucior has a soothing action against all types of inflammation and can be used in cases of sensitive skin, rosacea and acne. Made with cold extracts of plants totally alcohol-free and coming from controlled organic cultivations, it is a real elixir of beauty and health. Chamomile, Althea, Lemon Balm, Angelica, Star Anise, Calendula work in synergy to lower your level of inflammation.
We recommend that you take Tisama Brucior during seasonal changes, in a half liter of water, 20 ml (1 measuring cap) to be consumed during the day, to turn off the inflammation from the inside. The dose of Tisama should be gradually doubled in the following weeks, up to a maximum of 80 ml (equivalent to 4 measuring caps), always dissolved in 1 liter and a half of water to drink during the day. Do not exceed the recommended doses. For more information ask your trusted beautician Lakshmi.
If, in addition to inflammation, there is couperose and fragile capillaries, we recommend Tisama Legs, which, thanks to the Butcher's Broom and Red Vine, will help the functionality of the microcirculation with an anti-inflammatory and astringent action at the capillary level.