Music is energy! Set the pace for your day with Lakshmi's GOOD VIBES Playlist on Spotify and let positive vibes be the soundtrack to your day.
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+ Hearing
Music is energy! Set the pace for your day with Lakshmi's GOOD VIBES Playlist on Spotify and let positive vibes be the soundtrack to your day.
+ Smell
Diffuse Lakshmi Lemongrass Essential Oil: in addition to purifying the air, it strengthens concentration, clarity and mental freshness. It is useful in the morning, upon awakening, to set the tone. Lemongrass essential oil revives the left side of the brain and consequently supports our analytical sense. If you are a person who reflects too long Lemongrass will bring good vibes into your life!
+ Sight
Choosing the right nuance in your outfits will help you calm anxiety and stress, and increase your good vibes! Wear colors that recharge you: red, to fill up with pure energy, yellow, for a concentration of joy and orange, for a breath of optimism!
+ Touch
Lightly pat 4 drops of GOOD VIBES serum onto your skin... Like raindrops that fall and refresh the earth in spring! Tap with your fingertips, always very gently, even the neck area to stimulate lymph nodes and circulation.
+ Taste
Fatigue? Sleepiness? Seasonal aches and pains? Tisama Immunostress is perfect for you! It stimulates the immune system giving a burst of energy and reactivating our metabolism at all levels.
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